Friday, August 15, 2008

New York Fun Activities - Water Fun for Summer Events!

New York Fun Activities

Do you remember when you were a child and your parents got out the water hose on a blistering summer day? Not only was it cool and refreshing…but you and your friends had a blast.

Well….we’ve come far since the days of the backyard sprinkler. One of our most popular items right now are inflatable water slides. Water slides come in all shapes and sizes. You will find slides with pools, without pools, inflatable slip and slides, slides with sprinklers and slides in every theme possible.

And really, are they just for children? Nope….they’re for ALL ages. And they’re loved by all ages.

When weoriginally bought our inflatable slip and slide we placed it at a friend’s house for a trial run. Their kids are a bit younger than our kids and we like to get their views on our newer pieces of equipment. We found after their event that although the kids had a great time, it was the ADULTS who really relished the equipment.

Apparently a slip n slide is a huge amount of fun for parents who are stressed out after a long busy day.

Where can these slides be used? Anywhere you have a power supply and water supply. Most games have a continual mist of water running over them at all times so they need to be within 50’ of a water source and of course, since they’re inflated by a blower, you also need a power supply within 50’.

And water slides are not just for back yard parties. More and more they’re being used for company picnics, summer camps and special events.''So, if you're looking to add a "splash" to a hot summer party....think Water Slide!

If you're looking for more information on water fun, visit New York Fun Activities - Water Fun!

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